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Trusted Firmware-M v1.1 and Ecosystem Enablement

Shebu Kuriakose| Wednesday, July 22, 2020|4 min read

Trusted Firmware-M: v1.1 and Ecosystem Enablement


Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) v1.1 is the TF-M release tag made on 09th July 2020. This tag has a new set of features, platforms and improved documentation since TF-Mv1.0 tag that was made end of March 2020. TF-M has also been enabled in various ecosystems over the last few months easing the route to security for IoT developers.

Highlights of the TF-M v1.1

While there have been around 200 commits in TF-M master branch since TF-Mv1.0, here are some of the highlights included in TF-Mv1.1

Release Cadence

The previous TF-M tags were made whenever the project had a reasonable number of new capabilities and was not following a regular cadence. TF-M has recently published the release cadence and process with an aim to make releases every four months.

Memory Usage and Profile Small

TF-M provides Secure Processing Environment for Cortex-M devices where the capabilities and resources hugely vary. Certain devices come with very limited memory resources. The IoT use cases that utilize these devices will also have different levels of security requirements. Therefore, it is important for TF-M to provide different configurations to satisfy security requirements of these different classes of IoT devices.

TF-M wants to provide different Profiles with increasing level of security functionality allowing device manufacturers to choose (and further customize if required) a profile based on Threat Model and Security Analysis of their use case.

TF-M v1.1 includes support for Profile Small aimed at memory constrained devices meeting requirements for PSA Certified Level 1. Profile Medium is in the works.

Documentation Improvements

An improved HTML rendering of all the in-source TF-M documentation is available in> Documentation-> Docs -> TF-M. This allows people new to TF-M project to easily navigate through the documentation resources. The documentation includes

Ecosystem Enablement

Ecosystem support is increasing, giving IoT application developers different routes to access TF-M and improve security.

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