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Trusted Firmware-M v1.3 Released

Shebu Kuriakose| Thursday, April 15, 2021|3 min read

Trusted Firmware-M: v1.3 Released


Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) v1.3.0 was released on the 09th April, 2021. This version includes new secure service, implementation of recent PSA Specifications, enablement of new platforms and certain Arm v8.1-M architectural features since the last release v1.2.0. This is the first release tested using the Trustedfirmware projects’ Open Continuous Integration (CI) System.

Highlights of TF-M v1.3.0

While there have been around 250 commits in TF-M master branch since TF-Mv1.2.0, here are some of the highlights included in TF-Mv1.3.0:

Trusted Firmware’s Open Continuous Integration (Open CI) System has also continued to test more build configurations and has been used extensively for automated testing of the release. More TF-M platforms beyond the Arm reference platforms are getting added to the Open CI System. Mbed OS, Free RTOS, TF-M CMSIS Pack and Zephyr upstream integration of Trusted Firmware-M are expected to be updated to TF-M v1.3.0 soon.

{% include image.html path=“/assets/images/blog/tf-m_v_1-3-3_stack.png” alt=“Figure 1 - Trusted Firmware-M” %}

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